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How to get a clean skin


what the f is up my friend.

I know. I know it's been a while since I wrote a Blog and I promised to write a Blog every week haha but as it happens very often, unexpected things come up and I have no other option than to leave something behind. I am not here to promise anything because if I am being honest, I have no idea what will happen with my blog.

You should also get a weekly episode on my podcast but lately I haven't been in my "creating content space" and as I preached/always will = It is always in my best interest to provide you with the best content possible and that is not possible right now. I am still working on myself, trying to work on stuff so I can share the knowledge and lessons I maintain. With that being said, I want to talk about a health topic again.

Skin problems. Pimples. Who doesn't know the problems , especially if you are in your teenage years or are on the way to become a teenager. I ,also, had to fight through this temporary pain and I tried out every single advice out there. I learned a lot about what is healthy and what is not. I saw whats supporting my skin and whats not. So lets talk about it.

You probably have heard that having skin problems is something normal. That everyone will have skin problems once they are in their teenager years. I believed that as well but it is not true. I always heard that "foood and nutrition" influence your skin and today I can say that yes, it is true. Food is there to heal us, to help us and to give us energy but unfortunately the food that is normalized today is not food anymore. Cereals with completely hilarious nutrients. Processed foods and the worst of all, oils that are used for cars but they are so processed that they sell it to you and tell you its healthy.

The first thing I want to say is that you should AVOID every meal that contains with seed oils. There are people out there going nuts. Giving out cards to restaurants telling them that seeed oils are the worst thing for your health and yes it is true. I am not this type of person but eating seed oils made my pimples fcking blow up. Every time I go out and eat something that is cooked with seed/vegetable oils my skin looks really bad on the next day. What are seed oils? Why are they dangerous to us human beings? I am putting here an article where you can read through it all. "Why Is Vegetable Oil Bad For You? 7 Diseases Vegetable Oils Cause ("


sunflower oil

rapeseed oil

corn oil

avocado oil

glue oil

rapeseed oil

corn oil

safflower oil

grapeseed oil


olive oil


coconut oil


beef tallow

I can only tell you that if you want to mantain a good skin and improve your health, don't eat food cooked with seed oils. I hate it when people claim to be healthy and then cook with these processed, used for cars, oils....

Dairy products. Man that is a huge topic because there a 2 sites to this. Is dairy the reason your skin is getting worse? Kinda Yes and No. It really depends which kind of dairy you eat. There is milk and raw milk. There is yoghurt and raw yoghurt. I never understood the reason why milk is not good for your skin but now I do. It is because the milk is being processed again. Normally with corn oil or any other seed oils. Your body produces pimples because it shows you that something is not right in your diet. Dairy products are good for you, don't get it twisted. But.... Buy dairy from farmers, fresh dairys. Almond milk is also complete BS. Have you ever read through the nutrients ? Lol. It is crazy to me that people enjoy this chemical BS. " Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk - Nutrition with Judy "

Smoking and Alcohol. Hell yeah, to the people out there, drinking weekly, smoking daily... You are damaging your skin. Every time I smoked cigarettes or even cigarillos without filter my skin answered with pimples. Have fun, drink alcohol sometimes and even smoke ( tobacco was used as a healing process earlier on) but be careful. Don't smoke that much, don't drink that often. Your skin will react very positively if you start to avoid it.

Protein Powder and Procesed foods. Oh man, how I love to see people claiming to be healthy and then drinking fcked up processed protein powder. To put it in simpler words, if you use protein powder, use whey isolate protein powder. It is also processed but your skin reacts better on this. If you don't want to use it, drink kefir or goat milk. Protein Powder will give you pimples. As simple as it is. Processed food as well. I can't even underline the importance of cutting out processed food in your diet. This shitty stuff is giving you nothing except low energy, bad moods and definetely skin problems. It also worsen your overall health. "Eat ingredients and not food"

The last thing to avoid for healthy skin, are your beloved skin care products. I am huge believer that these are definetely worsen your skin. It happened to me. Back in 2019 I had small acne problems, I used these " beauty products" to fight against my acne and guess what? It got worse. A hella worse. Your skin is the biggest organ and you have to take care of it. Don't put something onto your skin you wouldn't eat. So simple but so hard. Seriously, I am using water to clean my skin once a day and put on some " beef tallow,organic olive oil cream" that helped my skin more than everything else. Heres the product --> " VanMan's Tallow & Honey Balm 2 oz " I am not advertising it and yes it is 30$ but that stuff is actually healthy and works wonder. Everytime I got some pimples and put it on my face, my skin healed in less than 3 days.

To sum it up, avoid the things I mentioned. Eat a lot of fruits/Vitamin C, ( blueberries, oranges,kiwies) get some sun daily ( don`t use sunscreen, it is not helping you) , drink hella water and exercise.

I gurantee you that your skin will glow up in less than 6 months. Looking after this requires discipline and.... yes sometimes it is hard to say "no" to the stimulated food but always keep in mind that " If you are healthy , you want 1000 things but if you are sick, you only want one thing." If you always dealt with skin problems, the only thing you want to have is a healthy and good looking skin. You get there.

Much love.


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