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sunscreen is making you sick


ay ay ay, what is Poppin!

As you have read in the subject line, I'm going to talk about sunscreen. People that know me, are very aware that I'm going to protect the sun till the day I die. Why? Because sunlight is not only good for you. It is necessary for you...

I'm going to explain every argument that I have... After reading this blog you will be aware that sunscreen is bad....


You learn:

- ingredients of a suncreen

- sunscreen is NOT a reason for skin cancer

- what vitamin D will do for your body

- an infertile study in Denmark

- alternatives to sunscreen

- how to really protect yourself from the "bad" sun

First things first. You probably hear all the time that using sunscreen is good for you and the sunlight is evil.. Like money right? Bullshit again. It is really unbelievable that I use this expression all the time.. I'm sorry but I do get mad if people use pieces of information they got from other people, news, or unreliable doctors. They are just believing everything whithout thinking on their own.... Anyway, sunscreen contains many harmful chemicals that enter the organism. Skin absorbs sunscreen through the pores and in this way, all these useless and dangerous chemicals enter the bloodstream. Any chemical substance that is contained in skin care products automatically damages the liver, kidneys, and intestines. TO make this more understandable: Sunscreen contains 150+ cancer-causing ingredients and you tell me this is healthier than exposing your body to the sun as your ancestors have done it?

The second BS belief that you have been told is that sunscreen is the reason why people get skin cancer... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, sorry but I just have to laugh because it is much more BS and people BELIEVE this. So, let me explain: Well it is a lack of vitamin D. And you get a lack of vitamin D if you are not exposing yourself to the sun. How is it possible to absorb Vitamin D if you are using sunscreen? It is not. So what happens when you use this "fake protection" is that sunscreen blocks solar radiation and that means that little or no vitamin D can be formed in the body. I need you to understand that there are two types of UV rays. UVA and UVB. Doctors and 99% of the population will tell you that UVB rays are bad for you. Guess what. It is BS haha. The craziest thing is that skin cancer doesn’t come from UVB rays. Skin cancer comes from UVA rays & guess what? Sunscreen blocks UVB rays even though they are NECESSARY for the body. Through the blocking of UVB rays, 97% - 99% of vitamin D is missing in the body. Using sunscreen, eating seed oils, and then getting into Chemotherapy is the reason for cancer. NOT THE SUN.

I'm just going to tell you some things that happen if you lack Vitamin D:

-Risk of cancer

-Cardiovascular disease


-Autoimmune disease



-Chronic pain conditions

With that being said, I want to add that it is not possible but NECESSARY to get VITAMIN D through sunbathing

-less cancer risk

-supports weights loss

-activates the immune system

-more energy

-repairs DNA

I did some research a couple of months ago and then I found a study in Denmark that discovered that sunscreen makes men infertile. Here is the study: Fertility and Sunscreen: What You Need to Know - First Steps Fertility Clinic

Why do people still tell you to use sunscreen even though it is dangerous? This is a story for another day... (Do your own research)

What can you do to protect yourself from the sun? Because sometimes, yes this is true, it is very very hot and you should avoid sunburns.

Use coconut oil to protect yourself from the sun. Coconut oil is very diverse to use and this is one of the reasons why I love it.... but it is not good protection. It works but it is not that good. A way that I use is to build exposure slowly. See most people are stuck in their office for 90% of the year, come home once the day is nearly over and then they go on vacation in one of the hottest countries. Exposing themselves to the sun for 3- 5 hours and then get a sunburn. People wonder how this happens and blame the sun and I'm like of course you get a sunburn? Have you listened to yourself?

Don't do this. Build it slowly. Try to get sunlight as often as you can but don't exaggerate. Start with 1 hour a day for a week and then build on this. Another way to protect yourself from sunburn is to eat the right food:

- tomatoes

- watermelon

- dark chocolate

- strawberries

- oatmeal

There are a couple more but these are the ones that popped up on top of my head.

I want to leave you with the message that you should do your own research on every BELIEF you have been told. Unfortunately, it is not always right what the mass thinks.

til the next time

your buddy


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